Species Lists of the Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary, San Jacinto County, Texas

Note: Clearly, this is an ongoing project. To suggest corrections or new species to the lists please send the particulars to the Blakleys so we can generate the revised pdf files.
Plants published in Peterson & Brown "Vascular Flora of the Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary" (37k searchable pdf) Note: names reflect convention at time of book printing (1983).  LTNS_flora updated 6/22/2010
A photographic companion to "Vascular Flora of LTNS"
Photographs by Calvin Blakley, descriptions by the Botany Group.
(13MB PDF)
What's Blooming? A checklist of the plants by blooming month. A PDF for printing landscape.  Flora_checklist (345k)
Check list of LTNS Birds compiled by Aaron Stoley. Print and tri-fold for field use.  LTNS birds updated 6/23/2010
Mushrooms compiled by David Lewis June, 2018 LTNS fungi June 2018
Mushrooms of LTNS (compiled by Wanda Smith, Kay Lewis and Dorothy Chandler)  LTNS mushrooms updated 6/23/2010
Butterflies of LTNS (source unknown)  LTNS butterflies updated 6/23/2010
Dragonflies and Damselflies of LTNS  
Beetles, bugs, and flies of LTNS  
Reptiles of LTNS  

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