Outdoor Nature Club
celebrating 100 years, April, 2023
Houston, Texas
updated 6/3/24

 The Outdoor Nature Club (ONC) is a nonprofit educational and scientific organization for all ages. It was organized in 1923 to protect and conserve our natural resources by fostering an interest in the study of nature.
Outdoor Nature Club, P.O. Box 1014, Bellaire, TX 77402-1014

Follow us on Facebook!
outdoornatureclub or ornithologygroup

2023 dues are due! Join or renew ONC membership

contact us: info@outdoornatureclub.org

NOTE: In preparation for a new web master and major revamp of this site, all content not owned by the Outdoor Nature Club has been removed

Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary (LTNS)
700 acres of unspoiled wilderness

Open Houses: Usually are scheduled for the fourth Saturday of the month.
Gate usually opens before 10AM.
Members and guests often take leisurely walks enjoying the woods and meadows in groups or alone.
Note-the sanctuary has received a lot of rain and the meadows are full of blooms though the roads are soggy

Scheduled open houses:

Saturday, June 22, 2024: weather permitting

Ornithology Group (OG)
Birding Enthusiasts

February, 2022 Spoonbill newsletter

Meetings and Events:
June 3 zoom meeting: Exploring Cuba - Birds, Habitat, Culture, and More by Martin Hane

Join Zoom Meeting
Zoom lobby will open 6:45 PM cdt and meeting will begin 7:00 PM cdt
Meeting ID: 827 4469 5161
Passcode 467346

Questions? contact Pres. Nina Rach

Current board members:

Nina Rach, President
Membership Vice-President -
Michael Honel
Executive Director of Sanctuaries - Charles Peterson
Secretary-Treasurer - Vacant
OG representative - Tira Overstreet

ONC bylaws
ONC 2019-2020 financial statement

Privacy Policy  Site Map

Nature Notes Archive

ONC's history now resides at The University of Houston who is archiving it.